Expedition Awareness
X-ALD, is a genetically determined neurological disorder.  The presentation of symptoms occurs between the ages of 4 and 10, and affects the brain with demyelination.

Demyelination is the stripping away of the fatty coating that maintains nerve pulse integrity. This process causes neurological deficits, including visual disturbances, auditory discrimination, impaired coordination, dementia, and seizures. 

Boys develop normally until the onset of symptoms occurs. Symptoms typically rival those of attention deficit disorder before serious neurological involvement becomes apparent. The symptoms progress rapidly and lead to vegetative state within two years, and death anytime thereafter.
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To be listed as a rare disease in the United States there should be less than 200,000 active cases at any given time.  X-Adrenoleukodystrophy (X linked ALD) affects 1 in 17,900.  That statistic does not sound that “rare” - but we must reference what is defined as rare. 

There is no viable treatment and no cure.  Most boys will pass by the age of 12 or 2 years after onset of symptoms.

Rare - but not rare enough.

What is Lorenzo’s Oil?

If you have heard of ALD, then it was most likely due to the steadfast work done by the Odone’s to find a treatment for their son Lorenzo.  This was depicted in a Hollywood production called Lorenzo’s Oil.  The Odone’s efforts to find a treatment for ALD are nothing short of heroic.  But a 2001 case study determined that Lorenzo’s Oil may or may not be beneficial.  Unfortunately the jury is still out.  We have not decided if we will apply for the study which is the only way to have access to the oil.  Participants are thoroughly screened as well - so there is no guarantee that an X-ALD child could even have access.

Realizing that some may feel compelled to help raise money toward our awareness program and research funding but are unable to participate in other awareness opportunities, we developed a few interesting ways to facilitate donations.  Click the PayPal button to learn more.

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Why do this?  

Brooks’ Story
Diagnosed 2010

Sawyer’s Story
Diagnosed 2002

Dalton’s Story
Diagnosed 2008Brooks.htmlSawyer.htmlDalton.html